Renaissance Faire Theme Wedding Ceremony
You know I love a themed wedding!! They are so much fun! Below is my Renaissance Themed wedding Ceremony.
Example of a wedding ceremony with a Renaissance Faire Theme
All ceremonies can be changed to religious/non-religious and to reflect same-sex couples You may include whatever elements you like. In some cases, I have given additional examples. This ceremony has the groom’s sword and the brides cup, along with a handfasting and the ringing of a bell. It begins with casting a scared circle. There are many ways to include children, parents, bride’s maids and grooms’ men as well as other family members and guests. If you’re looking for a way to include a child, then have him/her signify the beginning of the ceremony by blowing a horn
The greeting:
Officiant: Lords, Ladies and Fair Children, we are honored and grateful to be present here today to witness the sacred vows of marriage between ____ and _____, who were brought together by love’s divine appointment and we rejoice with them as they take their first step in their new life together as husband and wife (as a married couple) Casting Circle: Officiant: In many religions when a sacred ceremony such as a wedding, is not held inside a spiritual building such as a church or temple, it is customary to create a scared space in which to hold the ceremony. So, we will begin by creating a sacred circle here amid the beauty of God’s creation, in which to hold this beautiful ceremony. The circle itself is an infinite thing. It is magical and never-ending, never changing and yet always adaptable, a ring with no beginning and no end. Like the circle, true love itself is infinite. It goes on, knowing no boundaries or restrictions. It flourishes and blooms in the light and in the dark, laying down no ultimatums, making no demands at all. Love, in its infinite form, is something that cannot be forced. It cannot be taken away. It is a gift we give to ourselves, and an honor we give to others from the bottom of our hearts and souls. When two people come together and give one another this gift, this most sacred gift of all, it is certain the universe is sitting back and smiling upon us, laughing and showering us with every possible blessing. Blessing: Officiant: Let us now pause to establish ourselves in the consciousness of the Holy Presence as we pray, We acknowledge Thy Presence and Thy Power, Blessed Spirit. We pray that Thy loving presence will encircle this wedding service. We pray that Thy blessing will encircle the marriage of _____ and ___. We give thanks that these two souls have been drawn together by divine appointment and will be held together by the power of divine love. We rejoice that through this mystical union, these two, now become one, will experience soul satisfaction and fulfillment. We call upon the Heavens to bless this union now and always. Amen On behalf of the bride and groom, I would like to express thanks and gratitude to you, and to all those very important persons involved in their lives that are not with us physically but remain with us spiritually in our hearts. For it is the love, strength, support, and encouragement of all these friends and family that has helped to carry _____ and ___ to this glorious day. The love that is shared and expressed here today is inseparably joined to the love that has created and molded their unique lives.
Charge to Bride and Groom (the charge is address to the bride and groom. It is a preparation for the vows you are about to take):
Officiant: _____ and ___the estate of wedlock is a holy one, one not to be entered into lightly, but only under the guidance of Infinite Wisdom and the inspiration of Divine Love. Dear Ones, you are entering into that relationship, which is the expression of the uniting, harmonizing power of divine love. Marriage is the uniting of two souls already attuned to each other. When there is a true bond such as this, it is proper that public acknowledgement of it be made. We are here to bear witness to your entering into this closer relationship of husband and wife, and we believe you are already one in spirit. A wise man once said that while we do not have power over all the all the elements of our lives- by our acts we have power to decide their meaning. This is our gift of magic. Therefor marriage like life itself, shall become what we make of it by our actions. Marriage begins with love but to flourish must be sustained by honor, duty, kindness and strength of purpose. These things sustain love beyond mere attraction and make of marriage a sacred ground. Here my words and take heed (or- With this in mind I now ask you) Betrothal/Declaration of intent (this is when you declare your action or intent to marry is a matter of free will): Officiant to _____: Noble Lord _____, do you come before this gathering to proclaim your love and devotion for this Fair Lady ___? Do you take her to be your lawfully wedded wife and in doing so do you promise to respect her and care for her during times of joy and hardship- and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live? _____ Responds: I do Officiant to ___:Fair Lady ___, do you come before this gathering to proclaim your love and devotion for this Noble Lord_____? Do you take him to be your lawfully wedded husband and in doing so do you promise to respect him and care for him during times of joy and hardship- and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live? ___ Responds: I do Officiant: So be it Presentation of the sword: Officiant to groom: ____ you have come bearing the sword, which is fitting for this occasion. The sword represents strength and protection which a husband offers to his wife and family. The sword is also a symbol of unyielding intent and the banishment of fear and doubt. It is by removing all fear and doubt that our acts and decisions have their rightful power. Like the steal of the sword let your commitments to each other be strong and enduring _____ as you present the sword to your bride repeat to her after me these words: (Groom offers his sword to the bride) I offer this sword to your service that our life together may be protected I will stand by your side even unto death ___ accept the sword and repeat to _____ after me these words (Bride places her hand on the sword and says): I accept this gift and commit to you in kind (Groom puts sword away) Officiant: So be it then, that the two of you and your family shall be protected and Your commitment to each other shall be held steadfast . Sharing the common cup (This is example is with water in the cup passed on by the mother of the bride-I have others to choose from) Officiant to mother of the bride: Mother of the bride please pass the cup to your daughter Mother of the bride hands the cup/goblet with water to her daughter and says: With this cup I give my blessing Officiant: The cup is a symbol of substance, goodness and love. it is fitting that the cup is passed from mother to daughter for as the mother once gave sustenance, kindness and love to the daughter so shall the daughter pass on the same to her husband and children. The water held by this cup represents the life-giving essence to those who partake of the sharing of the cup and binds you to the giving of love and kindness which creates more than its measure in return. Officiant to bride: Share this cup as a sign of your promise to share that which is good and kind between you. As you do repeat to your groom after me these words: Bride hands the cup to her groom and says: Please accept this cup as my promise of goodness and love (Groom takes a sip and hands cup back to bride, who then hands back to her mother) **You may replace the above sharing the cup of water with the sharing of a cup of wine. The wine sharing ceremony is a delightful ceremony embracing traditions that began well before the medieval period. During those times a bride and groom would celebrate their pledge to each other by drinking wine from a single cup which symbolized one blood, one family and one kin.
Officiant: Now that the bride and groom have declared their intentions, they be joined together in a handfasting ceremony-the eternal joining of two people in love. I ask you now to cross your hands over each other and take one another's hands. Officiant wraps the cord around the bride and grooms wrists, binding them together loosely and tying a knot. Officiant to groom: What is your name? Groom Answer _____ Officiant to groom: And what is your desire? Groom Answer: To join with ___, whom I love. Officiant to groom: Will you seek to do her harm? Groom Answer: I will not. Officiant to groom: And if harm is done, will you seek to repair it? Groom Answer: I will. Officiant to groom: Will you seek to be honest with her in all things? Groom Answer: I will. Officiant to groom: Will you support her in times of distress? Groom Answer: I will. Officiant to groom: Will you temper your words and actions with love? Groom Answer: I will. Officiant to groom: These things you have promised to your partner, before this company and the Gods. May you ever be mindful and strive to keep the vows you have spoken. Officiant to bride: What is your name? Bride Answer ___ Officiant to Bride: And what is your desire? Bride Answer: To join with _____, whom I love. Officiant to Bride: Will you seek to do him harm? Bride Answer: I will not. Officiant to Bride: And if harm is done, will you seek to repair it? Bride Answer: I will. Officiant to Bride: Will you seek to be honest with him in all things? Bride Answer: I will. Officiant to Bride: Will you support him in times of distress? Bride Answer: I will. Officiant to Bride: Will you temper your words and actions with love? Bride Answer: I will. Officiant to bride: These things you have promised to your partner, before this company and the Gods. May you ever be mindful and strive to keep the vows you have spoken. ___ and _____, Just as your hands are bound together so now are your lives and spirits joined in a union of love and trust. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth. Like the earth should your love be a firm foundation from which to grow stronger through the seasons. Like a star should your love be a constant source of light. Like a flame should your union be warm and glowing with love in your hearts. Like the wind may you sail through life safe and calm. Like water should your relationship remain clean and soothing, that it may never thirst for love. May this union always be blessed. May all who encounter it be blessed with love. May your lives be full, and your hurts be few. By the Winds that bring change, by the Fire of love, by the Seas of fortune and the strength of the Earth do I bless this union. Officiant will remove the cord while saying: ___ and _____, this cord symbolize so much. It is your life, your love, and the eternal connection that the two of you have found with one another. Yet the knots of this binding are not formed by these chords- but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the chords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making or breaking of this union. (*If you prefer, I have many handfasting wording options to choose from including the cord of 4 ribbons etc.…)
Exchange of rings:
Officiant “May we now have the rings” Officiant: The circle is the symbol of the sun, earth, and universe. It is the symbol of peace. Let this ring be the symbol of unity and peace in which your two lives are joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever you go, return unto one another and to your togetherness. To _____: And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you _____, may place a ring on the finger of your bride, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words I give you this ring, (_____ says) I give you this ring, As I give you myself, (_____ says) as I give you myself, With love and affection. (_____ says) with love and affection. Wear it in peace always (_____ says) Wear it in peace always. To ___: And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you ___, may place a ring on the finger of your groom, and as you do, repeat to him, after me, these words I give you this ring, (___ says) I give you this ring, As I give you myself, (___ says) as I give you myself, With love and affection. (___ says) with love and affection. Wear it in peace always. (___ says) Wear it in peace always. Exchange of crowns Officiant: These crowns represent _____ and ___ for they are the King and Queen of their kingdom, their home -they must work together, to rule with wisdom, justice and integrity. Officiant hands bride’s crown to the groom, and says: place this on your bride’s head and as you do repeat to her after me these words: (Bride may kneel or curtsey) With this crown I name thee Queen of my heart. (Groom says): With this crown I name thee Queen of my heart. None other shall rule there (Groom says): None other shall rule there so long as we both draw breath. (Groom says): so long as we both draw breath. Officiant hands bride’s crown to the groom, and says: place this on your bride’s head and as you do repeat to her after me these words: (Groom may kneel) With this crown I name thee King of my heart. (Bride says): With this crown I name thee King of my heart. None other shall rule there (Bride says): None other shall rule there so long as we both draw breath. (Bride says): so long as we both draw breath. Prayer (Prayer of blessing upon your new marriage ): Officiant: May you be blessed with harmony, happiness, prosperity, and peace. May your love for each other become deeper and more wonderful with every passing year. May you draw forth, each from the other, the highest and the best. May you be open and receptive to divine inspiration and guidance. May you express poise, patience and understanding with each other. May your lives blend together in harmony and joy and may your days be good and long upon the earth. Officiant will then remove the crowns and say: , Accept their crowns in Your Kingdom unsoiled and undefiled; and preserve them without offense to the ages of ages (*Note some crowns are connected by a ribbon to show that two now become one. If you have these kinds of crowns, then we will assign a bride’s maid and grooms man to place them on your heads. We will include wording about the ribbon and two becoming one) Ringing of the bell (This is sometimes done with a kiss instead of a bell-kiss three times) Officiant: Before I proclaim you joined, we will ring the bell 3 times Once for luck, Twice for Love and Thrice for Long life. (Someone/good job for a child rings a bell 3 times) Officiant: From this day onward whenever you hear the chime of a bell may it remind you of the vows you have taken on this sacred day, your wedding day. Pronouncement: Officiant: Thou hast pledged of thy own free will and sworn upon the Sword, Thou hast exchanged rings and been bound together by the ritual of the cords and have crowned each other thy King and thy Queen. By the Power vested in me by the Realm, I now pronounce you Lord _____ and Lady ___ to be Husband and Wife. May it be granted that what is done before the gods be not undone by man. You may now seal your marriage with a kiss! It is with great honor I present to you Mr. and Mrs. ______________
Halloween Themed Wedding Ceremony
I love a good themed ceremony! With Halloween right around the corner I thought I would share my Halloween Themed Ceremony.
I had the joy to perform this ceremony five years ago. It was a large wedding, and everyone came in costume. It was so much fun! I was a witch. My sister, Michelle and I wrote this ceremony together. Michelle was a huge heavy metal fan back in the day and she took a few lines from a Black Sabbath or Pantera song and we built from that. You may also consider substituting the vows or other wording from The Nightmare before Christmas.
Halloween Ceremony with Goth Style Handfasting Vows
The greeting: Officiant: I address the couple & the guests: Dearly Beloved and distinguished guests, the damned and the cursed The holy and the blessed As we witness ____ and _____ their souls and their very beings, To be united on this hallows haunted day, A sacred vow forever their love to stay, For true love is like a ghost, often mentioned but rarely seen. Charge to Bride and Groom (the charge is addressed to the Bride and Groom. It is a preparation for the vows you are about to take) Officiant: _____ and ___It is believed that the veil between this world and the next is thinnest on Halloween night. This makes tonight the perfect time to join two souls in matrimony lasting not only in this life but also the next. Dear Ones, it’s now the haunting time, the moon so luminous will shine with stars embedded in the sky ye shall rise up from yonder nigh. As you journey together for a lifetime on earth beware, for below your feet is Hades turf. Forever and ever as you marry on this day and united together your souls will stay. The Pledge or Betrothal Officiant: To groom: ______ , will you have _____ to be your wife, to live with her, respect her, to love her, and to haunt and howl at the moon together as long as you both shall live? Groom Responds: I will Officiant: To Bride:________ , will you have ______ to be your husband, to live with him, respect him, To love him, and to haunt and howl at the moon together as long as you both shall live? Bride responds: I will.
Officiant: Now that you have declared your ghastly intentions, I invite you to share your vows with one another _______, repeat to ______ after me these words: I will stand by your side, Hunt at your back And fly within your Soul. I will stand between you And all which would harm you I will shield you from the Light of Day with my flesh. I will never betray you, For you are my Heart, my Soul and my Life. You take me as your husband And I take you as my wife _____ repeat to _____ after me these words: I will stand by your side, Hunt at your back And fly within your Soul. I will stand between you And all which would harm you I will shield you from the Light of Day with my flesh. I will never betray you, For you are my Heart, my Soul and my Life. I take you as my husband And you take me as your wife
Exchange of Rings
Officiant: May we now have the rings. Officiant: These rings you take are not to bind but to show that you are of same like mind To have and hold from this night on In madness and in raging fun. Take these now and show the throng how love of each other has made you strong. To Groom: ________will you take this ring and place it upon the left bone of _____’s hand, and as you do, repeat after me, these words: _____ I give you this ring As a symbol of our linked hearts And the covenant of undying faithfulness Which we make today and seal with our vows. To Bride: _____ will you take this ring and place it upon the left bone of _____’s hand, and as you do, repeat after me, these words: _____ I give you this ring As a symbol of our linked hearts And the covenant of undying faithfulness Which we make today and seal with our vows. Handfasting (Goth style for Halloween Ceremony, traditionally cloth or cord is used, chain, or plastic faux chain can be used for a Halloween or Goth look) Officiant: (lines 1 1nd 2 are taken from lyrics to Black Sabbath/Pantera, Planet Caravan) _______ And _______ Have chosen to seal their union traditional handfasting and wine ceremony Now, I bid you look into one another's eyes and hearts. I ask you now to cross your hands over each other, and take one another's hands. Stars shine like eyes, the black night sighs. From the night we come, to the night we go. Cursed or blessed to walk the Moonlight alone. Sometimes another soul walks our path, then two become one, in love everlasting. Within each other, these two are found, bear witness as their souls are bound. The Officiant binds the couple's left wrists together with the chain or cloth. The binding takes place over a goblet of red wine. Officiant:Stand now as ye will stand forever, Like this chain your hearts are tethered, This goblet's wine is your blood of devotion, So sip from this the dedication potion. The couple takes turns drinking from the goblet with their right hands. Officiant:As both your arms and the chain (or cloth) form the symbol of eternity, may your love endure through this life, and all others. Pronouncement Officiant:The final sealing with a kiss in death as well as in this life, I now declare you husband and wife Officiant will remove the cord while saying: The knots of this binding are not formed by these chords but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the chords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making or breaking of this union. You may kiss the bride! Dearly beloved, the cursed and blessed, vampires and werewolves, ghouls, goblins and all of the souls at unrest…… It is with great pleasure I present to you, Mr. and Mrs._________ Vows from The Nightmare Before Christmas
The vows from A Nightmare Before Christmas:
My dearest friend, if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side. Where we could into the stars And sit together now and forever For it is plain as anyone can see, that we're simply meant to be. And with these hands I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. I will light your way in darkness, I will take you as you are, And for who you are, In sickness and in health, for the remainder of my life. You are my strength I can conquer the whole world With one hand tied behind my back As long as the other is holding yours Introducing My New Micro Wedding Package!
Yes you can plan a stress free wedding with "The Quiet Life Wedding" trend!
Make big memories with a small gathering! Here is my new Micro Wedding Ceremony Package!Micro Wedding Ceremony Package: This Package is for the couple and up to 50 guests .This wedding ceremony package is meant to be an intimate and carefree ceremony. Think Quiet Life Weddings, Micro Wedding or Pop-Up Wedding ! I have put together some memorable ceremonies with beautiful vows for you to use. You may choose a ceremony just as it is written, or you may use my unique “build a ceremony menu” to customize your ceremony to your wishes. All ceremonies can be personalized. For example you may want special wording about how you met, reasons you fell in love with each other, loved ones who have passed or wording to include children you bring to the marriage. I am also happy to incorporate any religious customs or traditions such as breaking the glass, jumping the broom, handfasting, etc. You may include a unity element in your ceremony such as; unity candle, sand ceremony, love letter, sea shell, wine, or other such element (You must supply the materials) On the day of your ceremony I arrive early to consult with your venue, vendors and wedding party. After your ceremony I file your marriage license with the appropriate clerk. For larger gatherings I have the perfect package for you! Please see my Standard Package. For Elopement's (The couple and 6 guests max) see my Special Elopement Package For more information or to book your ceremony fill out my contact form. Resources and Recommendations!
Below are some resources to help you coordinate your special day
Be sure to tell them Andrea sent you their way! Venues perfect for small gatherings of 30 guests or less
The Mathis House Victorian Tea Room Bed and Breakfast, Toms River. A lovely venue and they also have a outdoor garden and beautiful rooms for the newlyweds and guests.
The Grenville Inn, Bay Head. Beautiful venue, get married in front of the fireplace, on the porch or the local beach. They just redecorated all their rooms! Charlies of Bay Head. Beautiful modern venue. Have your ceremony overlooking the bay or in their beautiful upstairs banquet room with views of the bay. B2Bistro Point Pleasant Beach. Modern with private upstairs loft with patio overlooking the charming downtown. Pig and Parrot, Brielle- Perfect lively beach themed wedding! Aqua Blu, Toms River. Modern venue with a great ceremony space. The Wharfside, Topsider Room Point Pleasant Beach. Nice venue with beautiful views of the inlet! La Mondina, Brielle has spaces of all sizes including intimate gatherings. Newly remodeled! Cross and Orange in Asbury Park-Have your ceremony on the patio! Blue Bay Inn (I think their outside patio would be romantic for a small wedding with dinner in the lounge afterwards) and Copper Canyon Atlantic Highlands The Wine Bar Atlantic Highlands Beach Tavern, Monmouth Beach Click here for more venues perfect for small gatherings Click here to have your micro wedding on the beach! Photographers I recommend
Russ Meseroll
Ashley Meyers Photography Chris Anders Jennifer Rutherford Photography KSS Photography, Kristen Driscol Photography Theresa Mansbach Photography Florists
Ocean Flower, Point Pleasant NJ
Katydid, Spring Lake Narcissus, Toms River Mullers Florals Spring Lake DJ's and Musicians
Create Excitement
AJH Entertainment Off The Charts OTC Limelight Entertainment Bridal Music, Violinist and Flutist Bakers
Chocolate Carousel, Wall NJ
Conforti's Bakery, Brick, NJ Confections of a Rock Star, Asbury Park, NJ Cameo Cake, Brielle, NJ Makeup and Hair
The Beach Comber, Toms River, NJ
Septembers Salon (Hair by Patricia), Brick NJ Revolution Bridal, Brick NJ Truebutterfleyes, Old Bridge, NJ Colorbar, Spring Lake NJ
for more information on my Micro Wedding Ceremony Package as well as my other packages and prices.
Email me [email protected] Fill out a contact form Or call/text me at 848-333-9948 Peace, Love and Be Married, Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant If you are planning a wedding in New Jersey
this podcast is for you! "Welcome to “New Jersey Wedding Podcast”! Join your hosts, experienced NJ Wedding Officiants Andrea Purtell and Celia Milton, as they give you an insider's look at everything wedding in NJ! Every episode will have you laughing, nodding in agreement and cheering when they talk about YOUR fabulous venue or wedding pro! Their guests, the top artists in the NJ wedding industry, will talk about trends, ideas, and tips to help you as you plan your wedding day. Whether you're already planning; or maybe just daydreaming, “New Jersey Wedding Podcast” welcomes you (and your questions and comments too!) Get ready to be inspired by heartwarming stories, to discover unique ideas, and gather all the essential details to create your perfect wedding day. With thousands of weddings between them, Andrea and Celia love to tell wedding stories; yours might be one of them! So happy Planning and let the fun of planning your New Jersey wedding celebration begin! Don't miss out – subscribe now and make “New Jersey Wedding Podcast” your go-to companion on this exciting adventure." Join the conversation. We love your questions, comments, and requests! We also love guests! Past brides, grooms, vendors, and venues contact us! We offer host read advertisement as well. Contact us for more information! Email us at [email protected] Contact us through social media: Facebook, Instagram or website all are titled: New Jersey Wedding Podcast Listen for free wherever you get your Podcasts. Andrea Purtell @weddingofficiant Celia Milton: @njvowsnow Professional Wedding Ceremony ScriptsBeautiful, personalized, professionally written
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After you have secured my services by downloading the service agreement above. I will send you the worksheets. Here they are in case you want to take a peek or get started

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Some couples choose to personalize their ceremony. If this is something you would like then please download this worksheet and follow the instructions. (This worksheet is optional)

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Warm Winter Package~ Intimate Outdoor Winter Wedding Ceremonies at The Jersey Shore
Read NowSpecial Warm Winter Package at The Jersey Shore!
If you love the winter and the outdoors, then my
Warm Winter Wedding Package is perfect for you!
This special package runs from November through March and cost $475
Warm Winter Wedding Package is perfect for you!
This special package runs from November through March and cost $475
This is an intimate ceremony for the couple and up to 15 guests maximum.
It takes place at the beautiful Spring Lake Park Gazebo or choose from 2 Patios overlooking the beautiful Spring Lake.
I will provide up to 15 warm blankets for your guests to stay cozy and comfortable during your ceremony.
It takes place at the beautiful Spring Lake Park Gazebo or choose from 2 Patios overlooking the beautiful Spring Lake.
I will provide up to 15 warm blankets for your guests to stay cozy and comfortable during your ceremony.
This package also includes an in-person, Skype, FaceTime or telephone consultation and unlimited e-mail contact.
I have put together some memorable ceremonies with beautiful vows for you to use, may choose a ceremony just as it is written, or you may use my unique “build a ceremony menu” to customize your ceremony to your wishes
You may like to include a unity element in your ceremony such as; sand ceremony, love letter, sea shell, wine, or other such element. You must supply the materials; I will bring a table if needed. See examples at
I am also happy to incorporate any religious customs or traditions you would like, such as breaking of the glass, jumping the broom, hand fasting, etc...
I have put together some memorable ceremonies with beautiful vows for you to use, may choose a ceremony just as it is written, or you may use my unique “build a ceremony menu” to customize your ceremony to your wishes
You may like to include a unity element in your ceremony such as; sand ceremony, love letter, sea shell, wine, or other such element. You must supply the materials; I will bring a table if needed. See examples at
I am also happy to incorporate any religious customs or traditions you would like, such as breaking of the glass, jumping the broom, hand fasting, etc...
Book your intimate outdoor winter ceremony in the park or by the lake and then go to one of the fantastic local restaurants for your celebration.
I recommend Bareli’s By the Sea732-769-5700
The Breakers732-449-7700
La Dolce Vita732-749-3177
LaMondina, Brielle
Waves on Main in Belmar
Spring Lake Manor, 732-449-6630
Scarborough Fair , Wall NJ
A helpful resource guide :
I recommend Bareli’s By the Sea732-769-5700
The Breakers732-449-7700
La Dolce Vita732-749-3177
LaMondina, Brielle
Waves on Main in Belmar
Spring Lake Manor, 732-449-6630
Scarborough Fair , Wall NJ
A helpful resource guide :

To inquire about my availability, or request more information please fill out my contact form and I will respond immediately.
Looking for something different? I have a variety of packages to choose from so there is something for everyone
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services and Seaside Ceremonies
New Jersey Elopements
For This Joyous Occasion Baby Blessings
House Blessings New Jersey
Memorial Services New Jersey
Andrea Purtell Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services and Seaside Ceremonies
New Jersey Elopements
For This Joyous Occasion Baby Blessings
House Blessings New Jersey
Memorial Services New Jersey
Weddings at The Mill Lakeside Manor
By NJ Wedding Officiant Andrea Purtell
For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services
The Mill Lakeside Manor (formally The Mill) Located in Spring Lake Heights NJ has always been one of my favorite weddings venues. I love their garden ceremony area. It’s so beautiful with the tress, lake, fountain and swans. I also love the winding pathway to the ceremony area. It is beautiful all year round and it just got better! They have a new owner, they are now owned by the same people who own the fabulous Clark's Landing! |
The staff at The Mill is excellent. They are dedicated, friendly, fun and professional. They know what they are doing and you can be assured that your wedding will run smoothly. The food is equally as excellent.
Enjoy this short video of just a few of the weddings that I have had the pleasure to Officiate at The MIll
For information on my services, Packages and Pricing, Sample Ceremonies see my Website.
To check availability fill out my Contact Form
To check availability fill out my Contact Form
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Weddings in Asbury Park by
NJ Wedding Officiant Andrea Purtell
For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services and
Seaside Ceremonies
I Love Asbury Park! This friendly, beautiful and iconic shore town has some very cool and unique venues for your wedding ceremony and reception. They can accommodate big gatherings, small gatherings and anything in-between! It’s also a fantastic location for wedding photos.
Here are some of my favorite ceremony locations in Asbury Park
Here are some of my favorite ceremony locations in Asbury Park

And yes you can
The Beach! Asbury Park has some of the most beautiful beach front and yes, you can have your ceremony right out on the beach! For weddings of any size you must apply for a permit 732-775-2100 ask for Special Events.
*Depending on the size and location the town may require you to purchase same day event insurance and that's easier than you think! I have provided information on how to obtain this at the bottom of this page!
I have a fantastic Seaside Package perfect for a beach wedding in Asbury see details here
For This Joyous Occasion Seaside Package *Yes, you can have a beach wedding then go to any of these fabulous venues for your reception!
The Beach! Asbury Park has some of the most beautiful beach front and yes, you can have your ceremony right out on the beach! For weddings of any size you must apply for a permit 732-775-2100 ask for Special Events.
*Depending on the size and location the town may require you to purchase same day event insurance and that's easier than you think! I have provided information on how to obtain this at the bottom of this page!
I have a fantastic Seaside Package perfect for a beach wedding in Asbury see details here
For This Joyous Occasion Seaside Package *Yes, you can have a beach wedding then go to any of these fabulous venues for your reception!
Robinson Ale House : (Formerly Mcloone's Asbury Grill): This is a great venue located on the famous Asbury Park Boardwalk. The architecture is unique, it was once a Howard Johnson. They kept the iconic structure however Robinson Ale House just did a new fantastic remodeling in 2017, to be ready for this upcoming wedding season!
They have a very unique upstairs reception room with a fantastic patio overlooking the boardwalk and beach that is perfect for cocktail hour. They will host your beach ceremony too, supplying the chairs and permit!
They have a very unique upstairs reception room with a fantastic patio overlooking the boardwalk and beach that is perfect for cocktail hour. They will host your beach ceremony too, supplying the chairs and permit!
Watermark: I have had the privileged to Officiate many weddings here and I love, love, love Watermark! This beautiful beach front venue is also located on the Asbury Park Boardwalk. Watermark is elegant, cool, distinctly sophisticated. Its upscale yet comfortable and cool decor makes it one of my favorite unique venues for your wedding. The atmosphere at Watermark works well for a wedding during any season. And the best is their one of a kind patio lounge overlooking the ocean!
Asbury Hotel-I am so excited about this new hotel in Asbury Park it has everything! This would be a really cool location for a wedding and reception. Please check out their website for a tour.
The Beach Bar: Located within the Grand Arcade building; this venue has a covered patio jetting out over the beach with amazing expansive views of the ocean.
Porta: I Love Porta, it's just so unique!! Owned by Smith Events Porta is an authentic Neapolitan pizza restaurant that takes pride in using ingredients from local vendors, keeping their focus on quality and freshness! The food is fantastic. The atmosphere is cool, unique, with a rustic charm and can accommodate gatherings from 30-175 guests.
Berkeley Ocean Front Hotel : Grand, Elegant European Charm says it all!
Grand Arcade - This one of a kind grand historic building is a beautiful space with it's amazing architecture sits at the end of the boardwalk overlooking the beach.
The historic Carousel building! This historical ornate building is charming and like no other venue. Rent it and make your vision come alive! You may decorate it as you like. So unique and extraordinary!
For both the Grand Arcade and Carousel Building as well as other historical Jersey Shore Landmark facility rentals in Asbury Park and information on how to rent them: Asbury Park Facility Rentals
The historic Carousel building! This historical ornate building is charming and like no other venue. Rent it and make your vision come alive! You may decorate it as you like. So unique and extraordinary!
For both the Grand Arcade and Carousel Building as well as other historical Jersey Shore Landmark facility rentals in Asbury Park and information on how to rent them: Asbury Park Facility Rentals

Pascal and Sabine: Perfect for smaller gatherings! This beautiful French Restaurant is owned by Smith Event can accommodate events of 15-70 guests. The atmosphere is French, European; cool and elegant…you must see it to really feel the beauty of this venue.
An excellent resource for venues, restaurants for rehearsal dinners, hotel accommodations and everything Asbury check out the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce
*Depending on the size and location the town may require you to purchase same day event insurance Don't be turned off by this it's much easier than you think! If you own a home you can get a 1 day rider on your homeowners insurance. If you don’t own a home or prefer to just buy 1 day event insurance you can buy it through most insurance agencies. I recommend Aaron Levin at LG Insurance Agency. Here is a “quick link” that provides a quick and easy way for you to purchase Wedding Insurance. If you have questions, he is available for conversation via email at [email protected] or 877.288.7169
For information on my services, Packages and Pricing, Sample Ceremonies see my Website. To check availability fill out my Contact Form
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services and Seaside Ceremonies
New Jersey Elopements
For This Joyous Occasion Baby Blessings
House Blessings New Jersey
Memorial Services New Jersey
* I am a proud member of the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce
Example Of A Wedding Ceremony That Includes Both Greek Orthodox
and Christian Traditions
As a wedding Officiant I have the joy of performing ceremonies for all religious backgrounds. As an Officiant I can create a ceremony to fill the spiritual needs of a couple, who are of different faiths, do not belong to a church, or do not practice a religion.
In our planning meeting we will talk about what traditions or customs that each of you would like to include in your ceremony. Today I am sharing wording for a wedding ceremony that includes the bride’s Greek heritage and the grooms Christian upbringing.
The Greek Orthodox /Christian wedding ceremony are quite easy to combine since both religions honor the Holy Trinity- The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. In fact in the Greek Orthodox ceremony, many elements are done 3 times as a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Both ceremonies place God at the center of the marriage and remind the couple to seek the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In a Greek Orthodox ceremony the couple is joined together in faith, and in oneness of mind, in truth, and in love. They acknowledging that their love is rooted in God, who is love itself.
In a Christian ceremony the couple makes a covenant (a solemn promise) to each other in the presence of God. This ceremony will include an invocation (beginning prayer to invite God to be present and bless this ceremony) as well as other elements.
In our planning meeting we will talk about what traditions or customs that each of you would like to include in your ceremony. Today I am sharing wording for a wedding ceremony that includes the bride’s Greek heritage and the grooms Christian upbringing.
The Greek Orthodox /Christian wedding ceremony are quite easy to combine since both religions honor the Holy Trinity- The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. In fact in the Greek Orthodox ceremony, many elements are done 3 times as a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Both ceremonies place God at the center of the marriage and remind the couple to seek the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In a Greek Orthodox ceremony the couple is joined together in faith, and in oneness of mind, in truth, and in love. They acknowledging that their love is rooted in God, who is love itself.
In a Christian ceremony the couple makes a covenant (a solemn promise) to each other in the presence of God. This ceremony will include an invocation (beginning prayer to invite God to be present and bless this ceremony) as well as other elements.
In the ceremony below I have combined some elements of both religious traditions.
There are other Greek Orthodox traditions that you can include such as the wine/common cup. The sharing of wine symbolizes that they now share with each other every joy and sorrow. The couple I made this ceremony for will be doing a wine toast at their reception so we left it out of the ceremony
Another Greek tradition is the bride and groom are given white lighted candles to hold. The
lighted candles symbolize the purity of their lives, which should shine with the light of virtue.
In the ceremony below I combined the Catholic unity candle lighting and The Greek Candle lighting.
Also in a Greek ceremony when the couple completes their walk around the table the Officiant will take the bible and use it to separate their hands saying “What God has joined together let man not out asunder (separate)”. This is traditionally said after the pronouncement in a Christian ceremony
There are other Greek Orthodox traditions that you can include such as the wine/common cup. The sharing of wine symbolizes that they now share with each other every joy and sorrow. The couple I made this ceremony for will be doing a wine toast at their reception so we left it out of the ceremony
Another Greek tradition is the bride and groom are given white lighted candles to hold. The
lighted candles symbolize the purity of their lives, which should shine with the light of virtue.
In the ceremony below I combined the Catholic unity candle lighting and The Greek Candle lighting.
Also in a Greek ceremony when the couple completes their walk around the table the Officiant will take the bible and use it to separate their hands saying “What God has joined together let man not out asunder (separate)”. This is traditionally said after the pronouncement in a Christian ceremony
~Please note all my ceremonies can be tailored to reflect same-sex weddings and vow renewals~
The greeting:
Officiant: I address the couple & the guests:
We welcome each of you to this joyful occasion in the life of Groom and Bride. We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together in love of this woman and this man. We remember that marriage is a time when growing love is made public, when two people share mutual promises before God and before us. We join in our support of them as they offer themselves to each other. We celebrate their joy, their love, and their expectations.
On behalf of the bride and groom I would like to thank you all for sharing this happiest of days with them. They would also like to acknowledge loved ones who are no longer physically with us, but are here with us in spirit today as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Invocation (this is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask god to be present and bless this service)
Officiant: I address the couple & the guests:
We welcome each of you to this joyful occasion in the life of Groom and Bride. We are gathered here today to celebrate the coming together in love of this woman and this man. We remember that marriage is a time when growing love is made public, when two people share mutual promises before God and before us. We join in our support of them as they offer themselves to each other. We celebrate their joy, their love, and their expectations.
On behalf of the bride and groom I would like to thank you all for sharing this happiest of days with them. They would also like to acknowledge loved ones who are no longer physically with us, but are here with us in spirit today as we celebrate this joyous occasion.
Invocation (this is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask god to be present and bless this service)
Let us pray
Our Father, love has been your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between two souls which matures into marriage is one of your most beautiful types of loves. Today we celebrate that love. May your blessing be on this wedding service. Protect, guide, and bless Groom and Bride in their marriage. Surround them and us with your love now and always. Amen.
Charge to Bride and Groom (the charge is addressed to the Bride and Groom. It is a preparation for the vows you are about to take):
The union into which you are now about to enter is the closest and most tender into which human beings can come. It is a union founded on mutual experience and affection and to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ; it is a union in the Lord. Marriage is Gods institution, intended for the happiness and welfare of human kind.
Remember that love alone will avail as the foundation of a happy home. Let Christ be your example. Let the apostle Paul be your teacher, who wrote” Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” If you keep this steadfast love ever before you and remaining faithful to each other, resolutely endeavor to fulfill the vows you now make, God’s blessings will be upon you, and the home you establish will endure through life’s every change.
Let us pray
Our Father, love has been your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between two souls which matures into marriage is one of your most beautiful types of loves. Today we celebrate that love. May your blessing be on this wedding service. Protect, guide, and bless Groom and Bride in their marriage. Surround them and us with your love now and always. Amen.
Charge to Bride and Groom (the charge is addressed to the Bride and Groom. It is a preparation for the vows you are about to take):
The union into which you are now about to enter is the closest and most tender into which human beings can come. It is a union founded on mutual experience and affection and to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ; it is a union in the Lord. Marriage is Gods institution, intended for the happiness and welfare of human kind.
Remember that love alone will avail as the foundation of a happy home. Let Christ be your example. Let the apostle Paul be your teacher, who wrote” Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” If you keep this steadfast love ever before you and remaining faithful to each other, resolutely endeavor to fulfill the vows you now make, God’s blessings will be upon you, and the home you establish will endure through life’s every change.
Betrothal/Declaration of intent (this is when you declare your action or intent to marry is a matter of free will):
To Groom: Groom, will you have Bride to be your wife, to live with her, respect her, and love her as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness, as long as you both shall live?
Groom Responds: I will
To Bride: Bride, will you have Groom to be your husband, to live with him, respect him, and love him as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness as long as you both shall live?
Bride Responds: I will.
Now that you have declared your intentions, I invite you to share your vows with one another.
Officiant: Groom, repeat to Bride, after me, these words:
I, Groom, receive you, Bride as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(Groom says): I, Groom, receive you, Bride as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(Groom says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(Groom says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(Groom says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(Groom says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(Groom says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(Groom says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(Groom says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(Groom says): For as long as we both shall live
Officiant: Bride repeat to Groom, after me, these words:
I, Bride, receive you, Groom as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(Bride says): I, Bride, receive you, Groom as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(Bride says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(Bride says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(Bride says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(Bride says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(Bride says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(Bride says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(Bride says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(Bride says): For as long as we both shall live
To Groom: Groom, will you have Bride to be your wife, to live with her, respect her, and love her as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness, as long as you both shall live?
Groom Responds: I will
To Bride: Bride, will you have Groom to be your husband, to live with him, respect him, and love him as God intends with the promise of faithfulness, tenderness, and helpfulness as long as you both shall live?
Bride Responds: I will.
Now that you have declared your intentions, I invite you to share your vows with one another.
Officiant: Groom, repeat to Bride, after me, these words:
I, Groom, receive you, Bride as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(Groom says): I, Groom, receive you, Bride as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(Groom says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(Groom says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(Groom says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(Groom says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(Groom says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(Groom says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(Groom says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(Groom says): For as long as we both shall live
Officiant: Bride repeat to Groom, after me, these words:
I, Bride, receive you, Groom as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
(Bride says): I, Bride, receive you, Groom as a gift of the Divine Grace of God,
And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
(Bride says): And I promise, to stand beside you and with you always;
Through times of laughter and tears,
(Bride says): Through times of laughter and tears,
Health and sickness,
(Bride says): Health and sickness,
In plenty and in want,
(Bride says): In plenty and in want,
At work and at play
(Bride says): At work and at play
I promise to cherish you,
(Bride says): I promise to cherish you,
And to always hold you in highest regard.
(Bride says): And to always hold you in highest regard.
For as long as we both shall live
(Bride says): For as long as we both shall live
Exchange of rings:
Officiant: May we please have the rings
At this point the best man will give the rings to the Officiant.
Heavenly Father we ask for your blessing on these rings that Groom and Bride are about to exchange. Grant that the love which they feel for one another on this day resides always in their hearts. May these rings forever remind them of the vows which they have pledged to one another today, and may their compassion and kindness for each other always be, as these rings, with no beginning and no end. Amen
To Groom: Groom will you take this ring and place it upon Bride’s finger, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring,
(Groom says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(Groom says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(Groom says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(Groom says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(Groom says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(Groom says) And join my life with yours
To Bride: Bride will you take this ring and place it upon Groom’s finger, and as you do, repeat to him, after me, these words:
I give you this ring
(Bride says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(Bride says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(Bride says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(Bride says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(Bride says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(Bride says) And join my life with yours
Officiant: May we please have the rings
At this point the best man will give the rings to the Officiant.
Heavenly Father we ask for your blessing on these rings that Groom and Bride are about to exchange. Grant that the love which they feel for one another on this day resides always in their hearts. May these rings forever remind them of the vows which they have pledged to one another today, and may their compassion and kindness for each other always be, as these rings, with no beginning and no end. Amen
To Groom: Groom will you take this ring and place it upon Bride’s finger, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring,
(Groom says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(Groom says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(Groom says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(Groom says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(Groom says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(Groom says) And join my life with yours
To Bride: Bride will you take this ring and place it upon Groom’s finger, and as you do, repeat to him, after me, these words:
I give you this ring
(Bride says) I give you this ring,
As a symbol of my vow
(Bride says) As a symbol of my vow
And with all that I am
(Bride says) And with all that I am
And all that I have
(Bride says) And all that I have
And with it, I may you
(Bride says) And with it, I marry you
And join my life with yours
(Bride says) And join my life with yours
For thousands of years, people in Greece have been crowned with wreaths, signifying achievement. In Psalm (8:5) we read "For thou hast made them a little lower than the angels, and have crowned them with glory and honor."
At weddings the wreaths signify mastery of the couple’s home and give honor to the spark of divinity that resides within them both. This is a symbol of how in marriage it is our higher selves that the couple promises to one another and the very best that they have to give.
These wreaths, called "stephana", are bound by a single cord, a cord of love and commitment. The pearls represent romance and sweet blessings. As they are crowned, they are forever united as one.
Officiant to Couple- Please hold each others right hands (This is to symbolize that it is the right hand of God that blesses; it was to the right hand of the Father that Christ ascended)
Officiant to Best man: “Best man” will you exchange the stephana three times as is custom, as we offer a blessing in each exchange.
Best man holds the stephana above the couple's heads
Heavenly Father you have granted this couple a foretaste of your heavenly blessings on earth by giving them the gift of sacred union. We ask that you make their marriage strong in faith, truth and love, that they may be joined forevermore as one mind, one heart, one spirit.
Officiant makes the sign of the cross for the Bride and Groom
Best man exchanges stephana and continue to hold them above the couple's heads
May the Lord Jesus Christ grant this couple a lifetime of mutual love and understanding. May their love and care for one another be always in the foreground of their thoughts, granting them health, happiness and peace.
Officiant makes the sign of the cross for the Bride and Groom
Best man exchanges stephana for the third and final time and continue to hold them above the
couple's heads
Holy Spirit, Guardian of all that is seen and unseen, As the Father, Son and Holy spirit are joined in sacred and mystical union may the sacrament of marriage enrich the connection of these two souls that they may grow in depth of love and glory to God.
Bride and Groom are offered one another's stephana to kiss before placement. Officiant makes the sign of the cross for the Bride and Groom and the couple is crowned
For thousands of years, people in Greece have been crowned with wreaths, signifying achievement. In Psalm (8:5) we read "For thou hast made them a little lower than the angels, and have crowned them with glory and honor."
At weddings the wreaths signify mastery of the couple’s home and give honor to the spark of divinity that resides within them both. This is a symbol of how in marriage it is our higher selves that the couple promises to one another and the very best that they have to give.
These wreaths, called "stephana", are bound by a single cord, a cord of love and commitment. The pearls represent romance and sweet blessings. As they are crowned, they are forever united as one.
Officiant to Couple- Please hold each others right hands (This is to symbolize that it is the right hand of God that blesses; it was to the right hand of the Father that Christ ascended)
Officiant to Best man: “Best man” will you exchange the stephana three times as is custom, as we offer a blessing in each exchange.
Best man holds the stephana above the couple's heads
Heavenly Father you have granted this couple a foretaste of your heavenly blessings on earth by giving them the gift of sacred union. We ask that you make their marriage strong in faith, truth and love, that they may be joined forevermore as one mind, one heart, one spirit.
Officiant makes the sign of the cross for the Bride and Groom
Best man exchanges stephana and continue to hold them above the couple's heads
May the Lord Jesus Christ grant this couple a lifetime of mutual love and understanding. May their love and care for one another be always in the foreground of their thoughts, granting them health, happiness and peace.
Officiant makes the sign of the cross for the Bride and Groom
Best man exchanges stephana for the third and final time and continue to hold them above the
couple's heads
Holy Spirit, Guardian of all that is seen and unseen, As the Father, Son and Holy spirit are joined in sacred and mystical union may the sacrament of marriage enrich the connection of these two souls that they may grow in depth of love and glory to God.
Bride and Groom are offered one another's stephana to kiss before placement. Officiant makes the sign of the cross for the Bride and Groom and the couple is crowned
Ceremonial walk:
With the crowns now on their heads, I lead them around the table 3 times. The couple still holding right hand-the Officiant reaches back and places her hand on top of theirs and leads them around the table. The maid of honor follows holding the ribbons from the crowns –On the table should be the bible and the cross (I can provide these if you need). This represents the word of God and our redemption by Jesus. The couple walking around the table symbolizes that Christian living is at the center of their married life and 3 times is for the holy trinity. During the walk a hymn is usually played.
The Removal of the Crowns
At the conclusion of the Ceremonial Walk, The Officiant removes the crowns saying:
Heavenly Father, grant that Bride and Groom enjoy a long, happy and fruitful life together. Amen
With the crowns now on their heads, I lead them around the table 3 times. The couple still holding right hand-the Officiant reaches back and places her hand on top of theirs and leads them around the table. The maid of honor follows holding the ribbons from the crowns –On the table should be the bible and the cross (I can provide these if you need). This represents the word of God and our redemption by Jesus. The couple walking around the table symbolizes that Christian living is at the center of their married life and 3 times is for the holy trinity. During the walk a hymn is usually played.
The Removal of the Crowns
At the conclusion of the Ceremonial Walk, The Officiant removes the crowns saying:
Heavenly Father, grant that Bride and Groom enjoy a long, happy and fruitful life together. Amen
Unity Candle Ceremony
Now we shall celebrate this union as it is symbolized through the lighting of the unity candle.
The lighting of the unity candle can be a very meaningful expression in a Christian wedding ceremony. It symbolizing your individual spirits, as well as your individual connections with God. In a Traditional Greek ceremony the lighted candles symbolize the purity of their lives, which should shine with the light of virtue.
Groom and Bride please light the two taper candles. These candles represent your individual spirits, your individual connections with God, all that you are and, all that you have been, and all that you will become.
The center candle represents your relationship. It is the symbol of your marriage, the symbol of the joining of 2 spirits, 2 lives, 2 souls. Now you will take the tapers and light the center candle. As you do so, keep in mind the pledge you made to each other today. It is the pledge of the truth and purity of your every breath. The constant friendship of your hearts, the passion and fire of your spirits and the deepest love your souls have to give. It is the pledge of all that is within you-The only true pledge that one heart can offer to another.
You are now as husband and wife offering yourselves, and all that has come to pass unto each other, towards the creation of your future, and to all that is yet to come. The candle of your marriage shall burn brightly, but the two tapers of yourselves are not diminished. You do not disappear in marriage. You remain you. But in joining, both lights are brighter, each supports the other and miracles can happen. True Love shines brightly and today is but a beautiful beginning of the miracles to come.
Prayer: Prayer of blessing upon your new marriage
Officiant: Let us say a prayer of blessing upon this marriage
We thank you O God for the joy and excitement of this blessed Occasion. It is you who has given us life and experience and you who has led us to this present moment. We ask that you bless Groom and Bride as they begin this new phase of their journey through life. Safeguard them from perils both seen and unseen. Give them such fulfillment of mutual affection that they may reach out in love and concern for others. Let the sun always rise on their good will and let it never set without it. Abide in their home as the one who imparts value to their relationship and meaning to all their efforts. Shelter them from the tragedies so common to human life, or support them that they may stand when visited by adversity. Grant that their wills may be knit together in your will, and their spirits in your spirit that they may grow in love and peace with you and one another all the days of their life. Amen
Now we shall celebrate this union as it is symbolized through the lighting of the unity candle.
The lighting of the unity candle can be a very meaningful expression in a Christian wedding ceremony. It symbolizing your individual spirits, as well as your individual connections with God. In a Traditional Greek ceremony the lighted candles symbolize the purity of their lives, which should shine with the light of virtue.
Groom and Bride please light the two taper candles. These candles represent your individual spirits, your individual connections with God, all that you are and, all that you have been, and all that you will become.
The center candle represents your relationship. It is the symbol of your marriage, the symbol of the joining of 2 spirits, 2 lives, 2 souls. Now you will take the tapers and light the center candle. As you do so, keep in mind the pledge you made to each other today. It is the pledge of the truth and purity of your every breath. The constant friendship of your hearts, the passion and fire of your spirits and the deepest love your souls have to give. It is the pledge of all that is within you-The only true pledge that one heart can offer to another.
You are now as husband and wife offering yourselves, and all that has come to pass unto each other, towards the creation of your future, and to all that is yet to come. The candle of your marriage shall burn brightly, but the two tapers of yourselves are not diminished. You do not disappear in marriage. You remain you. But in joining, both lights are brighter, each supports the other and miracles can happen. True Love shines brightly and today is but a beautiful beginning of the miracles to come.
Prayer: Prayer of blessing upon your new marriage
Officiant: Let us say a prayer of blessing upon this marriage
We thank you O God for the joy and excitement of this blessed Occasion. It is you who has given us life and experience and you who has led us to this present moment. We ask that you bless Groom and Bride as they begin this new phase of their journey through life. Safeguard them from perils both seen and unseen. Give them such fulfillment of mutual affection that they may reach out in love and concern for others. Let the sun always rise on their good will and let it never set without it. Abide in their home as the one who imparts value to their relationship and meaning to all their efforts. Shelter them from the tragedies so common to human life, or support them that they may stand when visited by adversity. Grant that their wills may be knit together in your will, and their spirits in your spirit that they may grow in love and peace with you and one another all the days of their life. Amen
Inasmuch as you, Groom, and you Bride, have thus consented in holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God, family and friends, by virtue of the authority vested in me as an Officiant and the laws of this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
You may kiss the Bride!
Benediction (It brings ceremony to an end. It is another blessing):
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Officiant will prompt maid of honor to hand the bride her bouquet. Bride and groom will face their guests.
It is with great honor I present to you Mr. and Mrs. _________
Inasmuch as you, Groom, and you Bride, have thus consented in holy matrimony and have witnessed the same before God, family and friends, by virtue of the authority vested in me as an Officiant and the laws of this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.
You may kiss the Bride!
Benediction (It brings ceremony to an end. It is another blessing):
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Officiant will prompt maid of honor to hand the bride her bouquet. Bride and groom will face their guests.
It is with great honor I present to you Mr. and Mrs. _________
For more information on my packages, prices, sample ceremonies and more
See For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
See For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Wedding at White Castle Restaurant
One of the aspects that I enjoy the most about being a Wedding Officiant in NJ is all the places I get to go. I have had the joy to perform weddings at beautiful, elegant venues, amazing chapels, vintage barns and vineyards. I have been to some of the most beautiful beaches at the Jersey Shore (from Cape May, LBI, Seaside Heights, Point Pleasant Beach, Asbury Park, Sandy Hook and more) I especially love the fabulous and fun back yard BBQ’s, as well as historical sites, parks and gardens, museums and aquariums.
Recently I had the pleasure to officiate a wedding at a White Castle in South Amboy! This was first for me and what a great experience it was. The couple was so sweet and fun. I enjoyed meeting their family and friends. The District Manager for White Castle, Haskell Wallace was on hand to make sure everything went smooth.
The ceremony was also attended by the local newspaper and media outlets!
The restaurant was closed to other customers, however the drive thru stayed open which made it more fun and unique.
I customized their ceremony with special wording about this iconic restaurant that they enjoy coming to.
I left the ceremony with a slider in one hand and fries in the other!
The news video was picked up by many outlets; WATCH HERE: USA Today
The restaurant was closed to other customers, however the drive thru stayed open which made it more fun and unique.
I customized their ceremony with special wording about this iconic restaurant that they enjoy coming to.
I left the ceremony with a slider in one hand and fries in the other!
The news video was picked up by many outlets; WATCH HERE: USA Today
So remember I am game for anything- from traditional weddings to weddings at White Castle and anything in-between! For information on my services, Packages and Pricing, Sample Ceremonies see my Website. To check availability fill out my Contact Form
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Disney Themed Wedding Ceremony
It is very common for couples to ask me to personalize their ceremony with something that reflects them. For example I have had a couple who met at a concert and share a love of music, or a couple who shares a love of travel, or making their own wine.
Every so often I will get a request for a themed wedding such as a Steam Punk theme or Halloween.
I recently had a couple request a Disney themed wedding ceremony. They wanted me to use as many Disney Quotes as I could. I really like the way it came out so I thought I would share it. Enjoy!
Every so often I will get a request for a themed wedding such as a Steam Punk theme or Halloween.
I recently had a couple request a Disney themed wedding ceremony. They wanted me to use as many Disney Quotes as I could. I really like the way it came out so I thought I would share it. Enjoy!
*I made a notation- just for reference of what Disney movie/song etc.. the wording came from; I do not actually read that part.. This ceremony is non-religious but can easily be changed to include prayers.
The greeting:
Officiant: I address the couple & the guests:
Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale:
It is a tale as old as time, a tale true as can be (Beauty and the Beast). Groom and Bride started out as high school friends, They embarked on many adventures together, as time went by it became crystal clear, they had fallen in love, This love opened up a whole new world for them with new horizons to pursue. (Aladdin) Today Groom and Bride begin this new chapter in their storybook. Today they give recognition to the worth and beauty of this love as they become husband and wife.
We celebrate the coming together in love of this woman and this man. We join in our support of them as they offer themselves to each other. We celebrate their joy, their love and their expectations.
Invocation/opening blessing (this is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask god to be present and bless this service-or for non-religious it is an opening blessing or poem)
I would like to share a reading : Winnie the Pooh, by A. A. Milne
“Pooh” whispered Piglet.
“Yes, Piglet” replied Pooh.
“Nothing,” answered Piglet,
“I just wanted to be sure of you.”
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”
“It’s so much more friendly with two.”
“Pooh, promise me you won’t forget about me, ever. Not even when I am a hundred.”
Pooh thought for a little.
“How old shall I be then?”
Pooh nodded. “I promise,” he said.
“Some people care too much, I think it’s called love.”
Charge & Pledge combined (the charge is addressed to the Bride and Groom. It is a preparation for the vows you are about to take, the pledge is when you declare your action or intent to marry is a matter of free will):
Groom and Bride; as you continue on your journey together, I ask you to remember this advice:
When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably: (Walt Disney) --- ……Believe in this union without reservations.
Make the Best of Every Situation (Cinderella):
…..Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. A good marriage must be created.
Accept Your Differences (Pocahontas):
……Know that your interests and desires will not always be the same.
Achieving Goals Is Hard Work: (The Princess & the Frog)
…..Celebrate in the accomplishments of one another.
Go after what you want (The Little Mermaid)
…..Have a mutual sense of values and common objectives: Stand together facing the world.
Listen with your heart: you will understand (Pocahontas):
……Accept one another as an equal and as a unique individual.
Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever (Walt Disney)
Marriage is telling the person you love that you’re not going anywhere and that’s a powerful commitment for two people to make to one another. And so this is love. This is what makes life divine. (Cinderella)
(To Groom): With this understanding, do you Groom, take Bride to be your wife; to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?
Groom says: I do.
(To Bride): With this understanding do you Bride, do you take Groom to be your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?
Bride says: I do.
Officiant: Now that you have declared your intentions, I invite you to share your vows with one another.
Groom, repeat to Bride, after me, these words:
I, Groom take you Bride to be my wife
(Groom says): I, Groom take you Bride to be my wife
I vow to you from this day forward
(Groom says): I vow to you from this day forward
Whatever we may do
(Groom says): Whatever we may do,
You are here for me
(Groom says): You are here for me
And I’ll be there for you
(Groom says): And I’ll be there for you (Aladdin)
From this day on
(Groom says): From this day on
Now and forever more
(Groom says): Now and forever more,
You’ll be in my heart
(Groom says): You'll be in my heart. (Tarzan)
Officiant: Bride, repeat to Groom, after me, these words:
I Bride, take you Groom to be my husband
(Bride says): I, Bride, take you Groom to be my husband
You are the best thing
(Bride says): You are the best thing,
I never knew I needed
(Bride says): I never knew I needed (Princess and the frog)
With you here,
(Bride says): With you here,
I know that life is much more fun
(Bride says): I know that life is much more fun (Winnie the Pooh)
I vow to you
(Bride says): I vow to you
From this day on
(Bride says): From this day on
Now and forevermore
(Bride says): Now and forever more,
You’ll be in my heart.
(Bride says): You'll be in my heart. (Tarzan)
With this love begins a new circle of life (Lion King), and to symbolize this new circle Groom and Bride will exchange rings.
May I please have the rings:
(At this point best man hands Officiant the rings)
The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It has no beginning and no end-and so it is with love, love is a song that never ends. Let this ring be a symbol of your never ending love song.
Officiant to Groom: And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you Groom, may place a ring on the finger of your bride, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring
(Groom says): I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love
(Groom says): As a symbol of my love
Wear it as a reminder
(Groom says): Wear it as a reminder
That my love is a song
(Groom says): That my love is a song
That never ends
(Groom says): That never ends
Officiant to Bride: And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you Bride, may place a ring on the finger of your groom, and as you do, repeat to him, after me, these words:
I give you this ring
(Bride says): I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love
(Bride says): As a symbol of my love
Wear it as a reminder
(Bride says): Wear it as a reminder
That my love is a song
(Bride says): That my love is a song
That never ends
(Bride says): That never ends
(*note “that my love is a song that never ends” from Bambi)
Prayer: closing prayer or blessing upon your new marriage
Bride and Groom may the love that you have expressed here today grow in time, in song and rhyme into a legendary tale full of happiness and joy. May the inward aspirations of your hearts be the outward reality of you home. May your home always be a magic kingdom, of light and truth, of beauty, of joy and happiness all the days of your lives.
(Note; some wording adapted from Walt Disney Poem : Magical Kingdom)
Groom and Bride, Your two hopeful hearts, once worlds apart;
Together there is no end to what your dreams can start.
Like two eagles soar as one, upon the river of the wind
With the promise of forever, you will take the past and learn to begin. May your lives together be filled with love and laughter, and may you live happily ever after! ..(Pocahontas)
By the power vested in me as an Officiant and the laws of this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife!
Officiant to Groom: Go on and kiss the girl! (Little Mermaid)
“It is with great honor I present to you Mr. and Mrs.___________
Officiant: I address the couple & the guests:
Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale:
It is a tale as old as time, a tale true as can be (Beauty and the Beast). Groom and Bride started out as high school friends, They embarked on many adventures together, as time went by it became crystal clear, they had fallen in love, This love opened up a whole new world for them with new horizons to pursue. (Aladdin) Today Groom and Bride begin this new chapter in their storybook. Today they give recognition to the worth and beauty of this love as they become husband and wife.
We celebrate the coming together in love of this woman and this man. We join in our support of them as they offer themselves to each other. We celebrate their joy, their love and their expectations.
Invocation/opening blessing (this is the beginning prayer to “invoke” or ask god to be present and bless this service-or for non-religious it is an opening blessing or poem)
I would like to share a reading : Winnie the Pooh, by A. A. Milne
“Pooh” whispered Piglet.
“Yes, Piglet” replied Pooh.
“Nothing,” answered Piglet,
“I just wanted to be sure of you.”
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.”
“It’s so much more friendly with two.”
“Pooh, promise me you won’t forget about me, ever. Not even when I am a hundred.”
Pooh thought for a little.
“How old shall I be then?”
Pooh nodded. “I promise,” he said.
“Some people care too much, I think it’s called love.”
Charge & Pledge combined (the charge is addressed to the Bride and Groom. It is a preparation for the vows you are about to take, the pledge is when you declare your action or intent to marry is a matter of free will):
Groom and Bride; as you continue on your journey together, I ask you to remember this advice:
When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably: (Walt Disney) --- ……Believe in this union without reservations.
Make the Best of Every Situation (Cinderella):
…..Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. A good marriage must be created.
Accept Your Differences (Pocahontas):
……Know that your interests and desires will not always be the same.
Achieving Goals Is Hard Work: (The Princess & the Frog)
…..Celebrate in the accomplishments of one another.
Go after what you want (The Little Mermaid)
…..Have a mutual sense of values and common objectives: Stand together facing the world.
Listen with your heart: you will understand (Pocahontas):
……Accept one another as an equal and as a unique individual.
Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever (Walt Disney)
Marriage is telling the person you love that you’re not going anywhere and that’s a powerful commitment for two people to make to one another. And so this is love. This is what makes life divine. (Cinderella)
(To Groom): With this understanding, do you Groom, take Bride to be your wife; to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?
Groom says: I do.
(To Bride): With this understanding do you Bride, do you take Groom to be your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as you both shall live?
Bride says: I do.
Officiant: Now that you have declared your intentions, I invite you to share your vows with one another.
Groom, repeat to Bride, after me, these words:
I, Groom take you Bride to be my wife
(Groom says): I, Groom take you Bride to be my wife
I vow to you from this day forward
(Groom says): I vow to you from this day forward
Whatever we may do
(Groom says): Whatever we may do,
You are here for me
(Groom says): You are here for me
And I’ll be there for you
(Groom says): And I’ll be there for you (Aladdin)
From this day on
(Groom says): From this day on
Now and forever more
(Groom says): Now and forever more,
You’ll be in my heart
(Groom says): You'll be in my heart. (Tarzan)
Officiant: Bride, repeat to Groom, after me, these words:
I Bride, take you Groom to be my husband
(Bride says): I, Bride, take you Groom to be my husband
You are the best thing
(Bride says): You are the best thing,
I never knew I needed
(Bride says): I never knew I needed (Princess and the frog)
With you here,
(Bride says): With you here,
I know that life is much more fun
(Bride says): I know that life is much more fun (Winnie the Pooh)
I vow to you
(Bride says): I vow to you
From this day on
(Bride says): From this day on
Now and forevermore
(Bride says): Now and forever more,
You’ll be in my heart.
(Bride says): You'll be in my heart. (Tarzan)
With this love begins a new circle of life (Lion King), and to symbolize this new circle Groom and Bride will exchange rings.
May I please have the rings:
(At this point best man hands Officiant the rings)
The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It has no beginning and no end-and so it is with love, love is a song that never ends. Let this ring be a symbol of your never ending love song.
Officiant to Groom: And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you Groom, may place a ring on the finger of your bride, and as you do, repeat to her, after me, these words:
I give you this ring
(Groom says): I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love
(Groom says): As a symbol of my love
Wear it as a reminder
(Groom says): Wear it as a reminder
That my love is a song
(Groom says): That my love is a song
That never ends
(Groom says): That never ends
Officiant to Bride: And now as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united in heart and soul, you Bride, may place a ring on the finger of your groom, and as you do, repeat to him, after me, these words:
I give you this ring
(Bride says): I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love
(Bride says): As a symbol of my love
Wear it as a reminder
(Bride says): Wear it as a reminder
That my love is a song
(Bride says): That my love is a song
That never ends
(Bride says): That never ends
(*note “that my love is a song that never ends” from Bambi)
Prayer: closing prayer or blessing upon your new marriage
Bride and Groom may the love that you have expressed here today grow in time, in song and rhyme into a legendary tale full of happiness and joy. May the inward aspirations of your hearts be the outward reality of you home. May your home always be a magic kingdom, of light and truth, of beauty, of joy and happiness all the days of your lives.
(Note; some wording adapted from Walt Disney Poem : Magical Kingdom)
Groom and Bride, Your two hopeful hearts, once worlds apart;
Together there is no end to what your dreams can start.
Like two eagles soar as one, upon the river of the wind
With the promise of forever, you will take the past and learn to begin. May your lives together be filled with love and laughter, and may you live happily ever after! ..(Pocahontas)
By the power vested in me as an Officiant and the laws of this state, I now pronounce you husband and wife!
Officiant to Groom: Go on and kiss the girl! (Little Mermaid)
“It is with great honor I present to you Mr. and Mrs.___________
For more information on my services or to read more sample ceremonies see me at For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services.
Peace, Love and Be Married!
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
call/text 848-333-9948
[email protected]
Peace, Love and Be Married!
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
call/text 848-333-9948
[email protected]
Irish Wedding Traditions
A man should be the first to congratulate the bride. It's bad luck if a woman gets there first.
It's good luck to rise with to the song of birds on your wedding day.
It is good luck if it rains on your wedding.
It's bad luck to put on your own veil; have a well-married woman do the honors.
The bride should never take both feet off the floor when dancing with her new husband. It gives the fairies an edge!
Marry in white, everything's right
Marry in blue, lover be true
Marry in pink, spirits will sink
Marry in grey, live far away
Marry in brown, live out of town
Marry in green, ashamed to be seen
Marry in yellow, ashamed of your fellow
Marry in black, wish you were back
Marry in red, wish you were dead
Marry in tan, he'll be a loved man
Marry in pearl, you'll live in a whirl
The chime of bells reminds a couple of their wedding vows. That's why giving a bell as a gift has become an Irish tradition.
Many Irish brides carry a small porcelain horseshoe in their wedding bouquets for good luck
The wearing of Claddaugh rings are probably the most popular Irish wedding rituals. When worn on the right hand, the ring indicates that love is "being considered." When the ring is placed on the left hand the wearer is married or has been handfasted.
It's good luck to rise with to the song of birds on your wedding day.
It is good luck if it rains on your wedding.
It's bad luck to put on your own veil; have a well-married woman do the honors.
The bride should never take both feet off the floor when dancing with her new husband. It gives the fairies an edge!
Marry in white, everything's right
Marry in blue, lover be true
Marry in pink, spirits will sink
Marry in grey, live far away
Marry in brown, live out of town
Marry in green, ashamed to be seen
Marry in yellow, ashamed of your fellow
Marry in black, wish you were back
Marry in red, wish you were dead
Marry in tan, he'll be a loved man
Marry in pearl, you'll live in a whirl
The chime of bells reminds a couple of their wedding vows. That's why giving a bell as a gift has become an Irish tradition.
Many Irish brides carry a small porcelain horseshoe in their wedding bouquets for good luck
The wearing of Claddaugh rings are probably the most popular Irish wedding rituals. When worn on the right hand, the ring indicates that love is "being considered." When the ring is placed on the left hand the wearer is married or has been handfasted.
Here are some beautiful Irish Blessings you may want to include your favorite in your ceremony.
Irish Blessing, Version #1
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.
Irish Blessing, Version #2
May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow
May the soft winds freshen your spirit
May the sunshine brighten your heart
May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you
And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again my friend
May God hold you in the hollow (palm) of his hand
May God be with you and bless you
May you see your children’s children
May you be poor in misfortunes and rich in Blessings
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward
But rich or poor, quick or slow,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the joys of today
Be those of tomorrow.
Irish Wedding Blessing, Version #3
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future
Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And your hearts joined forever in love.
Your lives are very special,
God has touched you in many ways.
May his blessings rest upon you
And fill all your coming days.
Irish Wedding Blessing, Version #4 short version
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace. May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase. May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
Irish Wedding Blessing option 5
May you always have enough happiness to keep you sweet, trials to keep you strong, success to make you eager, friends to give you comfort, wealth to meet your needs, enthusiasm to look for tomorrow, and a growing love to make each day better than the day before.
Irish Wedding Blessing, #6- said after pronouncement as a benediction, end ceremony the kiss
May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.
Irish Blessing, Version #2
May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow
May the soft winds freshen your spirit
May the sunshine brighten your heart
May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you
And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again my friend
May God hold you in the hollow (palm) of his hand
May God be with you and bless you
May you see your children’s children
May you be poor in misfortunes and rich in Blessings
May you know nothing but happiness
from this day forward
But rich or poor, quick or slow,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the joys of today
Be those of tomorrow.
Irish Wedding Blessing, Version #3
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future
Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And your hearts joined forever in love.
Your lives are very special,
God has touched you in many ways.
May his blessings rest upon you
And fill all your coming days.
Irish Wedding Blessing, Version #4 short version
May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace. May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase. May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
Irish Wedding Blessing option 5
May you always have enough happiness to keep you sweet, trials to keep you strong, success to make you eager, friends to give you comfort, wealth to meet your needs, enthusiasm to look for tomorrow, and a growing love to make each day better than the day before.
Irish Wedding Blessing, #6- said after pronouncement as a benediction, end ceremony the kiss
May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
You may want to include a Traditional Celtic Handfasting
Option 1
_____ and ___ will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is eternal.
Please join your right hands.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.
Option 2
_____ and ___ have will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is eternal
Please join your right hands.
_____ and ___ this cord is a symbol of the lives you have chosen to lead together. Up until this moment, you have been separate in thought, word and action. As your hands are bound together by this cord, so too, shall your lives be bound as one. May you be forever be one, sharing in all things, in love and loyalty for all time to come.
Option 3
_____ and ___ will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is everlasting
Please join your right hands.
This cord represents the marital bond. It is strong enough to hold you together during times of struggle yet flexible enough to allow for individuality and personal growth. As your hands are now bound together, so shall your lives be bound as one. May you enjoy a lifetime of love and peace, happiness and prosperity.
Option 4
_____ and ___ will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is everlasting
Please join your right hands.
These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.
These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy.
These are the hands that will comfort you in illness, and hold you when fear or grief racks your mind.
These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times.
These are the hands that will give you support and encourage you to chase your dreams.
Together, everything you wish for can be realized.
_____ and ___ will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is eternal.
Please join your right hands.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.
Option 2
_____ and ___ have will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is eternal
Please join your right hands.
_____ and ___ this cord is a symbol of the lives you have chosen to lead together. Up until this moment, you have been separate in thought, word and action. As your hands are bound together by this cord, so too, shall your lives be bound as one. May you be forever be one, sharing in all things, in love and loyalty for all time to come.
Option 3
_____ and ___ will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is everlasting
Please join your right hands.
This cord represents the marital bond. It is strong enough to hold you together during times of struggle yet flexible enough to allow for individuality and personal growth. As your hands are now bound together, so shall your lives be bound as one. May you enjoy a lifetime of love and peace, happiness and prosperity.
Option 4
_____ and ___ will conclude their ceremony with a traditional handfasting. This is a symbolic binding of the hands that inspired the terms "Bonds of Holy Matrimony" and to "Tie the knot" Throughout history in many different ways and in many different parts of the world, the hands of the bride and groom were bound as a sign of their commitment to one another. In many times rings were only for the very rich, while love knows no such bound. The cords are not permanent but perishable as a reminder that all things of the material eventually return to the earth, unlike the bond and the connection that is love which is everlasting
Please join your right hands.
These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, for a lifetime of happiness.
These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes: tears of sorrow and tears of joy.
These are the hands that will comfort you in illness, and hold you when fear or grief racks your mind.
These are the hands that will hold you tight as you struggle through difficult times.
These are the hands that will give you support and encourage you to chase your dreams.
Together, everything you wish for can be realized.
I am always happy to customize your wedding ceremony with the traditions of your heritage. For more information on my services see For This Joyous Occasion Officiating Services.
Email me [email protected]
call/text 848-333-9948
Peace, Love and Be Married!
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Email me [email protected]
call/text 848-333-9948
Peace, Love and Be Married!
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Have your wedding ceremony at one of the beautiful
Here is a list of my favorite local gazebos perfect for your ceremony. Some are free and are on a first come first serve basis and some you may rent for your special day
Let’s start with my favorite gazebo! The Spring Lake Park Gazebo. I love this gazebo and park so much that I created my Special Lakeside/Park Package. |
Hold your ceremony at this beautiful park and then head over to the fabulousSpring Lake Manor located
less than a mile away (.8 to be exact) for an amazing reception.
less than a mile away (.8 to be exact) for an amazing reception.
My Lakeside/Park Package is just $395: This Package it is meant to be an intimate and carefree ceremony.
Think Micro Wedding!
This special package includes a virtual consultation using the video app of your choice such as: FaceTime or Zoom.
If you prefer, all arraignments can be made through telephone 848-333-9948 and e-mail contact.
These ceremonies takes place at the beautiful Spring Lake Park. Spring Lake is a picturesque community nestled along the Atlantic Ocean and maintains a beautiful lake in the center of town.
The park is a beautiful location for an intimate wedding ceremony. There are open meadows and small almost hidden alcoves with built in rock seats for your guest. Two bridges called the bridal bridges because they are known for their popularity for wedding pictures.
Think Micro Wedding!
This special package includes a virtual consultation using the video app of your choice such as: FaceTime or Zoom.
If you prefer, all arraignments can be made through telephone 848-333-9948 and e-mail contact.
These ceremonies takes place at the beautiful Spring Lake Park. Spring Lake is a picturesque community nestled along the Atlantic Ocean and maintains a beautiful lake in the center of town.
The park is a beautiful location for an intimate wedding ceremony. There are open meadows and small almost hidden alcoves with built in rock seats for your guest. Two bridges called the bridal bridges because they are known for their popularity for wedding pictures.
The two most popular places for a ceremony in the park are the beautiful gazebo or the large patio overlooking the lake.
The gazebo is located diagonally across the street from The Chateau Inn Bed and Breakfast at 500 Warren Ave Spring Lake. This is a beautiful hotel for you and your guests to stay! The Gazebo has some very nice large benches inside of it and seats approx. 25 people
The patio is located on East Lake Ave between Warren and Mercer. It has a platform with 3 large benches plenty of room for guests to stand. It has a larger area for the bride, groom and wedding party
These locations are free for us to use, there are no permits required or additional fees charged. So, you may not reserve them, they are on a first come first serve basis. I have never had a problem since the park is large enough, with many nice places to hold a small intimate ceremony. A quick check of the town website will let you know the dates of any community events that may be scheduled.
The gazebo is located diagonally across the street from The Chateau Inn Bed and Breakfast at 500 Warren Ave Spring Lake. This is a beautiful hotel for you and your guests to stay! The Gazebo has some very nice large benches inside of it and seats approx. 25 people
The patio is located on East Lake Ave between Warren and Mercer. It has a platform with 3 large benches plenty of room for guests to stand. It has a larger area for the bride, groom and wedding party
These locations are free for us to use, there are no permits required or additional fees charged. So, you may not reserve them, they are on a first come first serve basis. I have never had a problem since the park is large enough, with many nice places to hold a small intimate ceremony. A quick check of the town website will let you know the dates of any community events that may be scheduled.
A quick look at Spring Lake Park Rules: Wedding ceremonies are permitted at Spring Lake Park, no permit needed. Their use is on a first come first serve basis. The following items are not permitted: Tents, Arches, Chairs, Tables, Alcoholic Beverage, DJ's/loud music. You may not nail up any decorations. You must clean up after yourselves immediately following your ceremony. Questions? Call Spring Lake Borough Hall at 732-449-0800
Do you prefer a gazebo that you can rent out?
There are plenty of those in the area as well:
Lavallette gazebo: This beautiful gazebo overlooking the bay is located at 1306 Grand Central Avenue, Lavallette, NJ 08735 and is rented out for 2 hour blocks. This location is gorgeous any time of day and beautifully maintained. It has awesome sunsets too!
Huisman Gazebo Belmar The Huisman Gazebo is located at the east side of Silver Lake, 500 Ocean Avenue, Belmar. As of 2017 there is no charge for the use of the gazebo however, you must fill out a form to reserve it. Please contact Mary Brabazon 732-681-3700 x214
Bradley Beach, Ocean Front Gazebo. So beautiful and just re-built since super storm sandy. Permit is required
Lake Como Gazebo, Permit required Borough of Lake Como P.O. Box 569 - 1740 Main Street Lake Como, NJ 07719 732-681-3232 ext. 203 This peaceful gazebo over looking the lake is beautiful anytime of day, and has amazing sunsets.
Mayo Park Gazebo in Beachwood. This beautiful gazebo is popular for weddings as well as photos. Its a beautiful location overlooking the water.
Parks are nice but if you prefer to have your toes in the sand check out my Seaside Package!
Of Course you are going to need an officiant for your ceremony! See my site
For This Joyous Occasion for more information on my services, packages and prices as well as sample ceremonies.
Email me [email protected]
Fill out a contact form
Or call/text me at 848-333-9948
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
For This Joyous Occasion for more information on my services, packages and prices as well as sample ceremonies.
Email me [email protected]
Fill out a contact form
Or call/text me at 848-333-9948
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Where to get married in New Jersey- Traditional Venues with elegant ceremony rooms
Read NowTraditional venues with elegant ballrooms and
beautiful ceremony rooms.
Below are some of my most favorite elegant traditional venues in New Jersey.
Lobster Shanty Sunset Ballroom in Point Pleasant Beach. Jack Bakers Lobster Shanty is an elegant venue with fantastic views of the Manasquan inlet. Nancy and her staff do a fabulous job, you will be pleased! Located blocks from the beach it is also convenient for beach wedding party photos.

Spring Lake Manor in Spring Lake Heights. Beautiful venue with excellent food and a lovely indoor area for your ceremony (they also do off site catering) John and his staff are professional and friendly.

Atlantis Ballroom in Toms River. This is a beautiful elegant, traditional ballroom. Samantha and her staff are excellent and experienced.

Versailles Ballroom in Toms River. This is a beautiful, elegant traditional ballroom. I love working with Angel and Heidi and their staff and you will too.

Sterling Ballroom in Eatontown/Tinton Falls. This is a beautiful elegant ballroom. They do a fantastic job here and have a lovely ceremony space.

Crystal Ballroom in Freehold. This is a beautiful elegant ballroom. They do a fantastic job here and have a lovely indoor ceremony space and a nice patio with fire pits.
The above photo was taken by the amazing Wedding Photographer Cassie Claire
Check out her website to see more of her work and to get a quote for your wedding! |
Fiddler's Elbow Country Club
Located in North Jersey Fiddler's Elbow is an exclusive Country Club offering indoor /outdoor luxury wedding ceremonies and receptions. You must see their website for some more beautiful photos of their grounds. It is truly breathtaking! |
Doolan's Shore Club in Spring Lake Heights, The Mill lakeside Manor in Spring Lake Heights,
Crystal Point Yacht Club in Point Pleasant, Addison Park in Aberdeen, Clarks Landing in Point Pleasant Beach and Eagle Oaks Golf Club in Lakewood were all listed in my blog about venues with beautiful gardens for your ceremony but they also have magnificent indoor ceremony spaces as well!
Crystal Point Yacht Club in Point Pleasant, Addison Park in Aberdeen, Clarks Landing in Point Pleasant Beach and Eagle Oaks Golf Club in Lakewood were all listed in my blog about venues with beautiful gardens for your ceremony but they also have magnificent indoor ceremony spaces as well!
Of Course you are going to need an officiant for your ceremony!
See my siteFor This Joyous Occasion for more information on my services, packages and prices
as well assample ceremonies.
Email me [email protected] Or call/text me at 848-333-9948
Fill out my Contact Form
See my siteFor This Joyous Occasion for more information on my services, packages and prices
as well assample ceremonies.
Email me [email protected] Or call/text me at 848-333-9948
Fill out my Contact Form
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Memorial Services
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant
Memorial Services
Where To Get Married In New Jersey -
Venues with beautiful gardens for your ceremony
Below are some of my favorite venues that offer beautiful gardens for your ceremony as well as elegant ballrooms and banquet rooms for indoor ceremony. Venues with both are a huge plus in case of inclement weather.
The Mill Lakeside Manor in Spring Lake Heights. I love the Mill! They have a beautiful garden area for your ceremony. The upstairs cocktail hour room and reception room are beautiful and have an amazing view of the lake.
Shadowbrook in Shrewsbury. A Favorite of mine! Shadowbrook has the most beautiful garden for your ceremony and cocktail hour. The inside banquet rooms are beautiful with the feel of elegant old world charm.
Doolan’s Shore Club Spring Lake Heights.This venue tops my list! I love Doolan’s. Susan Doolan and her staff are excellent. They offer ceremonies in their beautiful garden or inside the atrium room and they even offer beach ceremonies!
Eagle Ridge Golf Club located in Lakewood. Another favorite of mine! Jennifer and her staff are excellent. Have your ceremony on their patio overlooking the beautiful golf course or inside their ceremony room in front of their fireplace.

Eagle Oaks located in Farmingdale. This beautiful venue had an amazing outdoor patio garden area as well as elegant banquet rooms.

Lakewood Country Club in Lakewood.This location has a gazebo overlooking the beautiful goof course as well as lovely indoor banquet rooms. The golf course is so beautiful you will love taking wedding photo on it

Addison Park in Aberdeen. This is the most elegant venue! I love Addison Park it is so beautiful and the staff is amazing. Have your ceremony in their beautiful garden or in the banquet room.

Sea Oaks Country Club in Little Egg Harbor. This venue has a beautiful outdoor space as well as elegant indoor banquet rooms

Stateroom in Long Beach Island. Beautiful and elegant! A unique venue with beautiful decor. The Stateroom has a lovely garden/patio area for your ceremony. They also offer beach ceremonies or if you prefer they have a beautiful indoor area for your ceremony.

Smithville Inn in Smithville.This Historic Inn is elegant and so beautiful. It has a private patio overlooking the water that is perfect for your ceremony. They also have a beautiful indoor banquet room for indoor ceremonies

Salt Creek Grill in Rumson.This charming venue has a beautiful lawn overlooking the water for your ceremony. They also have a beautiful banquet room for indoor ceremonies

Battleground Country Club ~ Beautiful golf course venue with a gazebo on the great lawn as well as a lovely banquet room for indoor ceremonies
Of Course you are going to need an officiant for your ceremony!
See my siteFor This Joyous Occasion for more information on my services, packages and prices as well assample ceremonies.
Email me [email protected]
Fill out a contact form Or call/text me at 848-333-9948
See my siteFor This Joyous Occasion for more information on my services, packages and prices as well assample ceremonies.
Email me [email protected]
Fill out a contact form Or call/text me at 848-333-9948
Peace, Love and Be Married,
Andrea Purtell, Your Local Jersey Shore Wedding Officiant MemorialOfficiantNJ |